Michelle Sadler, PhD in Medical Anthropology. She is an adjunct researcher in the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile; and a member of the Medical Anthropology Research Center at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. She is Director of the Chilean Observatory of Obstetric Violence. Has 20 years of experience researching childbirth models in Chile and abroad, has assessed policies towards respectful maternity care, and has led civil society organizations that seek to promote change in maternity related issues.

Michelle Sadler, PhD en Antropología Médica. Es investigadora adjunta de la Facultad de Artes Liberales, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile; y parte del Medical Anthropology Research Center, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, España. Es Directora del Observatorio de Violencia Obstétrica, Chile. Tiene 20 años de experiencia investigando modelos de atención de nacimiento en Chile y otros países, ha participado en el diseño de políticas públicas en torno al parto respetado, y dirigido organizaciones de la sociedad civil en la materia.


Héctor Kemble Molina


Madyasa Vijber